Just changed my blogskin hope you ppl like it. Accidentally deleted some stuff from the old blogskin without saving it so i had to do all from scratch. Feeling ultra shity now don't ask why simply feel so. I can't seem to control my emotions properly nowadays. Always quarrelling with me parents for some stupid reasons. Someone quick buy me a psp to shut me up. Oh well... just don't feel as happy go lucky as last time. Something seriously is missing from my life. Had been thinking. I don't feel as happy as I was in primary school its not because of friends here well i dunno just feel like something is missing can you believe that i can keep abolutely quiet for a day? That absolutely did not happen before oh well wateva.

Con Fuoco II
Too bad to those who didn't go last night hahaha I'm sooo evil hehehe... Last night, we had lots of fun!!!! -did I mention duties too???- Haha anyway, they played errrr -counting in process- 10 songs before they ended the day. OHOHOH!!! I was totally shocked to see Mr Wu there haha!!! He looks so different but aiyah still as gross lar haha!!!! Jazin was santa of the day so cute siah him!!! Haha! Teehee did I mention squeezing aboutu 100 of ppl into a single photo??? Next time you try and tell me how you felt being squeezed haha!!!!If you can find me then you seriously is pro hehe!!! Well we celebrated an early christmas during the concert so obviously Enjo and I made Mr Wu give us a present so he gave us a blown kiss which made Enjo and I "vomit blood" hahaha!!! Ok we were seriously high at that time lar!!!! Haha won't say any further its your problem for not going!!! -smirks-!!!!
Taggs replies;
ShuHan: Hello ! Hahahas, woaini too ! Misses ;DDDDD Tagged anw , ;D
Clarine:Hahas thanks!!
mr wanggg: ello clarine(t).. btw sry am not going to yr concert! al the best!!!
Clarine:haha nvm anyway its not my concert but my senior's!
Afrahh: left is left. AND IM SO NOT EMO.
Clarine:Oh really!!!
k!mberly: eh, you don't anyhow spreak okay? -gets all singlish on you-
k!mberly: *spread XD
Clarine:eh wat I dooooo????-gets all singlish back at you- =X
mr lau: ello! i not emo ok afrah is more emo haha
Clarine: ok lar!! You not emo ok!!! EMOKID!!!!wahhaha
Afrahh: eeee. mr lau! stop saying im emo! haha.
Clarine:speak to the hand Afrah speak to the hand!!!
Labels: Con Fuoco II
Ello humans and whatever creature thats lurking out there... Most likely you are at least a creature right???Lets see a short short summary lar harh... errrr....
4,5&6 DecMy cousin came over to stay while I was at band blowing my lungs out. Ok that sounded gross and obviously I did not blow my lungs out. Ada gave the 5 little bobo's(us) a little tonguing training which was fun but ultimately tiring plus I accidentally cut my tongue with my reed again... pain pain pain!!!!! Haha then we had a little briefing about the 13th which is NCWO's concert aka. Con Fuoco II. 5 suay sec1's had to be santa reindeer and elves hahaha heng i'm not one of them. Then when I came home, my cousin and bro just finished watching hellboy and they keep on singing into my ear the can't smile without you. It was simply irritating and I was so frustrated till i scolded them so sorry dudes I was too tired lar. Try spending 10 hrs in band and you will see what I mean.7DecGo Jurong point to shop shop. Then disturbed my mom when she was shopping for clothes. I got too irritating till she bought me two tees from OP to shut me up. Girls out there! Try this on your mom!!! You might get to buy what you want!!! Then after getting the tees, it did shut me up abit till 15mins later I started my whinning again!!!! Then my mom almost got me a dress to wear for chinese new year but I don't like the colour haha design still not bad though. But girls let me tell you something! Whinning in your mom' face won't get you your contact lens so just give up on that sense. I ALMOST SUCEEDED ONCE!!!! But then it failed again lar so no point de get it!!!! 8 DecStay at home to fa dai!!! Then do nothing lor wahhahaha!!!!!Labels: boredom, frustration, scolding, whinning