Since the ultra blur me has nothing to do I shall post about my past few days hmm I shall start with 20th??20/11/2008Went to my cousin's house with my bro early in the morning to support him in receiving his PSLE results.He scored 239 which was hmm quite ok although I had high hopes for him to get 245, but well I supposed its ok. Went to IMM macs for lunch so the 3 kiddos, my cousin(Ying Cong), my bro and I spent about an hour there while his maternal grandma and parents went to this hawker street restaurant or dunno wat name to eat. After our macs meal, we went to find the three grown-ups only to find ourselves walking in circles in no avail. Ending up buying a small sissors that is only 2 cm?? It really works though good for girls who likes to take neoprint and boys who likes to eat potato chips but opening it with too much strength thus the spillage of almost the whole packet. We also bought 2 one piece comic book(actually it was LYC who bought it.)After find for almost 1/2 an hour we finally found them guess wat THE RESTAURANT WAS ONLY ABOUT 50 METRES AWAY FROM MACS!!! o.O Then go my cousin house to play for one whole day.That night I spent alot of time promoting NCHS to 2 of my juniors whose contacts I posses. They both seems very interested. Cecilia my darling junior from Faries in brownies scored 243 and Christine my another darling junior from I forgot which group in brownies scored 237 which means if they put NCHS as first choice most likely I will see them again!!!! Ha ha then I slept at 2++a.m. then went to dreamland.21/11/2008Had an extraordinarily boring day yesterday. I spent practically the whole day at home dreaming and playing com and doing some homework and watching tv. Last night survival was ultra funny if you missed it them hmm too bad...=P Had a nice dream that night. Ask me personally if you wanna know.22/11/2008Went out to raffles city with my family to buy LYC a christmas pressie. Had hmm lots of arguement on wat colour the pressie would be we then settled down on a dull green crumpler bag. Well actually not really all settled down. My bro didn't care, my dad say listen to my mom I wanted the grey my mom wanted the dull green. I was then not at all happy. Didn't talk to anyone for half an hour. Then it was dinner time. My dad brought us to paris or wateva it is for a buffet dinner.Then I was happy again dots right me??? I loved the black forest cake haha!!! Afrah are you jealous??My bro went on his all chicken, beef and a little bit of fish diet again while my parents attacked the seafood. I tried almost everything well actually not all didn't touch alot of thing cause I love going on cake spree. Then my whole family was all bloated. Shop for some clothing but all was either too expensive or it didn't catch my eye so didn't buy any wahhahaha!!! Tomorrow going for some I dunno wat kind of activity with my mom and grandma. I think it should be some walkathon stuff or something there's even a free shirt. I swear I won't wear it unless its black or white their shirts are always those ultra bright colour like bright yellow and stuff which is kinda gross... Haha anyway a walkathon also good can burn off the carbs accumulated from the buffet today hahaha!!!
Since I'm sooo boh liao I shall do a quiz which I saw when I was blog hopping.
Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name?#C for Clarine!!!!!!Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?#Oh HI! How are you doing? I'm feeling GREAT without you!!!How many bedrooms are in your house?#3....Is there a reason for your profile song?#Put song must have reason de meh=.="I bet you're missing someone right now?#HAHAHA! NO! Cause i'm hmm cold blooded hohohoho!!!Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?#nope! I love my mom hehehe!!!Who was your last text message from?#AFRAH!!!! MY FAV. SMSER!!!!What time did you wake up this morning?#9.30 a.m. I was in the middle of some dream that i forgot=P If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?#Depends on who the person is.Did you mean it when you said "i love you" last?#yup afterall it was to my mom!!!Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single?#Yup kiss on the CHEEK! should be ok.What is wrong with you right now?#NOTHING WRONG!-sot de this quiz-Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?#should be..... won't lar still so young 23 only leh.Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad?#应该不会吧我哪儿会知道吗!Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"?#why not anyway 世界上没有办不到的事。Do you use t9, word, or abc?# t9 cause i think its easier.Do you tell your mom everything?#What makes you think I do that.... Who was the last person you cried in front of?#Hmm human I can't remember but to my soft toy I also can't remember HAHAHA!!! Have you told anybody you loved them today?#Nope haha!How's your ex doing?#Ha ha ask that qns to Janelle I think she will be able to answer cause I got no ex LOL!Who can you trust?#My family and frenz you can't expect me to trust strangers right=.="Do you love the person who you last thought of?#I can't even remember who i last thought of o.OAnd thus the end of another dumb quiz. I should go find even more dumber quiz hahaha!!!!
HEHEHE a seriously funny thing to happen today! Actually also not that funny lar-shiverrrrr this joke so cold ahhh- I was suppose to go tothe Asia's pacific or wateva food fair today with my grandparents, mom and super duper ultra uber extra ordinarily qian bian brother. But in the end I ended up in MPH warehouse sale aka. book fair lar! The food fair was ultra ultra ultra pack and I really mean PACK! So I realised that there was a book fair and PUHEEHHH... I was there haha the tranquillity of the book fair rocks man. I found an amazing book Yokohama burning would have bought that book if the queue of the fair wasn't half the perimeter of the expo's hall. In the end I caught myself reading some english comic book named Miko's fall. There were three books in total but I managed to find 2 but wateva I found a 'cosy' spot, sat down and started reading. Just as I was in the middle of the second book which I was so caught up with, my mom and grandparents had finished shopping. This year you could have said that they broke record cause usually they shop for around 2 and a half hours and come out with truckloads of stuff but today only 1 and a half hour(that explains the one and a half book hahaha!!!) and they managed to bring out 2 trolley bag and a cooler bag filled to the brim with items!(SEE WHAT I MEAN!) And the pathetic brother of mine and I obviously had to hmm find a way to 'carry' the stuffs home. See how 'amazed' I am. LOL!!!! Dots I'm going crazy lalala!!! CIAO!!!!
Since I got nothing to do I shall post about my past few days.
WednesdayWent out with Kimbo and Ah Han my 2/6 besties to plaza Sing.Spent most of the time in a neoprint machine talking crap and well re-writing kimbo's autograph book. But of course if we were in a neoprint machines we would have taken neo prints lar!!!Then we crapped about our school and well our near future and blah blah blah!

please don't ask why its mirror image i just took it from kimbo's blog.
ThursdayStay at home do nothing, day-dream and and think!
FridayStay at home watch 爱情魔法师(magician of love) on youtube and wondering whats wrong with friendster.
TodayStay at home(AGAIN?!!) posting like duhhh.... OHOHOH I FORGOT!!! I went to Hougang mall's popular to but a survival korean-a guide book that teaches you Korean hohoho!!!! Something wrong with me nothing to do go learn Korean hehehe!!!!

I saw this funny thing at one of my friend's friend's blog so I have decided to share it. It goes like this:
Dear (_friend_),I don't really know how to tell you this, but (_1_).I think I realized it (_2_), (_3_) and I saw you (_4_) (_5_).I'm sure you're (_6_) enough to understand (_7_).I'm returning (_8_) to you, but I'll keep (_9_) as a memory.You should also know that I (_10_) and (_11_).(_12_)1. What's the colour of your shirtBlue - Our romance is overRed - Our affair is overWhite- I am joining the conventBlack - I dislike your eyelashesGreen - Our socks don't matchGrey - You're a pervertYellow - I'm selling myself for candyPink - Your nostrils are insultingBrown - The mafia wants youNo shirt - You're meanOther - I'm in love with your cat2. Which is your birth month?January - That night you picked your noseFebruary - Last year when you peed your pantsMarch - When your dwarf bit meApril - When I tripped on peanut butterMay - When I threw up in your sock drawerJune - When you put cuffs on meJuly – When you smacked my assAugust - When I saw the purple monkeySeptember - When we skinny dipped in the bathtubOctober - When I quoted Forest GumpNovember - When your dog humped my legDecember- When I finally changed my underwear3. Which food do you prefer?Tacos - In your apartmentLasagna- In your carPasta - Outside of your officeHamburgers - Under the busSalad – As you were eatingKraft DinnerChicken- In your closetKebab - With JeanChrétienFish - In a clown suitSandwiches - At the Elton John concertPizza - At the mental hospitalHot dog - Under a street lightAnnat- With George Bush and Stephen Harper4. What's the colour of your socks?Yellow - Hit onRed - InsultBlack - IgnoreBlue - Knock outPurple - Pour syrup onWhite - Carve your initials intoGrey - Pull the clothes offBrown - Put whipped cream onOrange - CastratePink - Pull the pants off ofBarefoot-Sit onOther - Drive over5. What's the colour of your shorts?Black - My boyfriendWhite - My fatherGrey – The Catholic PriestBrown- Your 'My little Pony' collectionPurple - My corned beef hashRed – My knee capsBlue - My salt-beef bucketYellow - My illegitimate child in GhanaOrange - My Blink 182 cdPink – The Montreal Canadian’s goalieNone – My prized statue of Michael Jackson in the nude (like, ewww)Other - The elephant in the corner6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?Scrubs;ManO.C.;EmotionalOne Tree Hill;OpenHeroes;FrostbittenLost;HighHouse;SlySimpsons;Cowardly (although i prefer watching tom and jerry hahaha :D);The news;ScarredIdol;MasochisticFamily Guy;SenileTop Model:Middle-classedAnnat;Ashamed7. Your mood right now?Happy - How awful you areSad - How boring you areBored - That Santa doesn't existAngry - That your smell makes me vomitDepressed – That we’re relatedExcited - That I may pee my pants (probably about the outcome of the quiz:D)Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on youWorried - That your Ford suckspathetic - That you need a sex-changeAshamed - That I'm allergic to your earlobesCuddly- That i get turned on by garbage menSilly - That there is no solution to you being a dumbkidOther - That your driving sucks8. What's the colour of your walls in your bedroom?White - Your toe ringYellow - Your love letters to meRed - Your Elton John posterBlack - Your pet rockBlue - The couch cushionsGreen - The pictures from VegasOrange - Your false teethBrown - Your nose hair clippersGrey - Our matching snoopy underwearPurple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanketPink - The cut toenailsOther - Your car9. The first letter of your first name?A/B - Your photo with the moustache drawn on itC/D - The oil tank from your carE/F - Your neighbour’s dogG/H - My virginityI/J - The results of that blood-sampleK/L - Your left earM/N - Your suicide noteO/P - My common senseQ/R - Your MumS/T - Your collection of butterfliesU/V - Your criminal recordW/X – Your glass eyeY/Z - Your credit cards10. The last letter in your last nameA/B - Told my psychiatrist about the bruisesC/D - Never will forget that nightE/F - Always wanted to break your legsG/H – Hate your cookingI/J – Mocked you behind your back constantlyK/L - Will tell the authorities that you did not steal that whale in the back yardM/N - Told in my confession today about the mooseO/P - Was interviewed about the car you stoleQ/R - Always will remember the pep talksS/T - Get sick when I think of your feetU/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heartW/X - Haven’t showered in a monthY/Z – Am better off without you11. What do you prefer to drink?Water- Our friendship is ruinedBeer – you should stop picking your noseSoft drink – I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon (shall take green tea as one :D)Soda – I will haunt you when I’m incarnated as an EskimoMilk - The apartment building is on fireWine – Thanks for the CocaineCider – I have a passionate interest for miceJuice – You ruined my attempts at another world warMineral water – You should get that embarrassing rash checkedHot chocolate – Your Cucumber-fetishism is weirdWhiskey - I love Oprah WinfreyLiquor - I chew on your earlobes while you sleepOther – I'm scratching my ass as you read this12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?Thailand – Warm tingly sensationsAustralia - Your everlasting enemyEngland - Good luck in jailSpain - Go drown yourselfChina – You make me sickGermany – Please don’t hurt meJapan - Go milk a cowGreece - Best of luck on the sex-changeUSA - Greetings to your frog LeonardEgypt – Kiss my buttFrance – With tears of sadnessKorea-Too bad go home and cryDear (somebody),
I don't really know how to tell you this, but (our romance is over).I think I realized it (When you smacked my ass), (At the mental hospital) and I saw you (Sit on) (The Catholic Priest).I'm sure you're (SlySimpsons) enough to understand (That Santa doesn't exist).I'm returning (The couch cushions) to you, but I'll keep (The oil tank from your car) as a memory.You should also know that I (Will tell the authorities that you did not steal that whale in the back yard) and (Your Cucumber-fetishism is weird).(Too bad go home and cry).Haha don't you think its funny!!!!!!
Current mood: Look at my face. Oh I forgot you can't!!!! o.O
Current taste: taste? Buy me a lollipop and I will tell you.
Current clothes: Clothes from my wardrobe duh....=.="
Current desktop: Some Cinderella pic lor.....
Current toenail Color: 正常人的颜色...=D
Current time: 4.27p.m. and counting...
Current thoughts:How to answer this dumb question....=P
First best friend:没事干嘛问那么多嘛!
First crush:Even if have I also won't tell you right...-Lame Siah-
First movie: I dunno I think is some jungle show???
First time clubbed:Club as in hit someone???JK!!!!
First partner: Talk crap lar... say this kind of thing
First kiss: 想知道?慢慢等!
Last cigarette: Never once touched that disgusting thing.
Last alcohol: need alcohol for wat? Highing arh? No need also can high right!
Last car ride:不要吵。。。
Last crush: you mean last crushed???? Aiyo english fail arh???
Last time clubbed: Goon leh this question.
Last partner: Come to me in 60 yrs time and I will tell you.
Last phone call: Lazy take my phone here...
Last CD played: Just watched Mahou Sensei Negima.
Last song played: Because Of You-Kelly Clarkson
Last person kissed: my sweet little 3 year old cousin.
Last place gone to: my room...
Have you ever
Have you ever dated one of your best friends:Nope LOL!
Have you ever been arrested: Of course lar! NOT!!! HAHAHA!!!
Have you ever been on TV: Have in my dreams lor...
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: ERRR... For what reason should I do that?
Have you ever did drugs: why not? Pain-killers, anti-biotic and etc.
Places you can be always seen at:Everywhere... just think of me and i'll be there.
Places you like to go: DREAMLAND!!!!
Places you'd like to visit: I want go Korea again!!!!!
Things you like to eat: Food????
Things you like to do: 发呆!
Things you do when you get bored: Think???
the 6 people i choose to do this:
-Shu Han!!!
-Tan Ying!!!
-Audrey Koo!!!
-Jacelyn Ang!!!
*I'm not forcing you to do it so if you don't then nevermind....*
真的要吗?Huh... really want me to update arh. Not even one week then you ppl want me update liao cannot drag longer arh?? Plus... I got nothing to update leh I lazy to post about my day lar hahaha!!! Hmm lets see what I can say. Errrr... today go compass point then errrrr.... buy a pair of 'safety pin' earing. Then errr.... Aiyah i really got nothing to say leh... so don't force me liao lar.... bye bye. Wait wait wait... you all don't scold me arh at least i got post right!!! HAHAHA BYE BYE!!!!
SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!I'm freaking bored here!!!! I'd rather go to school!!! I think I'm getting toooo addicted to the computer.....Everyday got nothing to do other then chores then watch tv or play computer or do a bit of homework. Someone! Yue wo chu qu wan yi xia please!!!!!I feel like a caged up bird must wait until next week then got activity then must wait until December then got band... WTH! Ppl say life is short then still must wait for so much things waste time siah! There should not be school holidays and no homework too!!! All homework should be done in school even if school hours are ultra long! I seriously wanna do that then come home liao can go play. Not play com but go OUT and play!!!! I seriously seriouly want a bike so I can cycle around my neighbourhood but the prob is!!!! NO SPACE TO PUT!!!! FREAK SIAH!!!! We should have planned class chalet at a later date then can wait longer then no need to so fast over... I'm practically Singlishing here so don't mind me.... Next Monday, going jogging/walking with Afrah, Jeri,Ziming and Jacob and maybe Asy and Nelle too... SIAN ARH!!!! Who wants to go shopping??? I'm so desperate until if you say go hougang mall shop also can!!!! Aiyo I think I must go and find a doctor to heal my gregariousness(is there even such a word??) Oh and the show Bend It Like Beckham is like damn nice lar!!! The coach, wats his name?? I think its Joe or something is quite handsome to me at least... Next Wednesday going out with my besties hahaha!!! But go where still dunno... where got good neoprint shop arh???Dots.......
THE CLASS CHALET!(PART 3)Well... most of you might be wondering why is there a part three to it. THATS BECAUSE I FORGOT SOME ULTRA IMPORTANT POINTS! Well... bet I haven't told you what the retards talked to Mr Lau about during the chalet! The question is:What children eat to grow up into people like Afrah and I???
Ans(for the Afrah part):DRINK LOTS OF COKE LITE!
Ans:(for the I part): Eat long beans=.="
Afrah gave the answer for the eat long beans which I was quite diaoing about it. We then asked Mr Lau why he asked us that question and his answer was oh so surprising NOT shocking. He asked us that question cause he don't want his children to be like us...=.="
Seriously! So we asked him what about Jeri? Then he was like'Jeri still can lar after all she's still normal." So our answer to him was"Jeri ate lizards and other kinds of pest when she was young!' HAHAHA! So we told him" Why don't you feed your children what you ate when you were young???" Surprisingly his answer is"Cause I ate too much pringles when I was young so...." haha I think you get what I mean. Anyway, we started talking about how life is unfair so our dearie Mr Lau said"sometimes life is like that lar all the tall people all not so smart(ahem... are you sure) and the short ones are quite smart."So.... Afrah and I attacked back. "So you mean Mr Lin and Wang are dumb lar." Luckily he's still quite witty to change what he said"Thats why sometimes life is unfair mah tall and smart."=.=" It was kinda diao but still damn funny!!!
Oh yar! PPL REMEMBER DON'T GO KBOX! Mr Lau told us a true ghost story the other day about KBOX ah seriously very scary leh! Lucky I'm not the type that goes karaoke. Oh and hmm... Lau sat on the same bed as Afrah and all the ppl in the girls dorm(all ghost stories were told in the girls dorm) all went wild. If you are a dynamite then you must know what I'm talking about right!!!!HAHAHA! Oh and hmm got a video that is ultra funny but lazy go post lar anyway if you are not part of the retards you won't understand it either cause haiz... its a long story...
Its like we always correct your chinese liddat those kind of irritation!!!!
CLARINE is da name.
♥Blood group:
♥Extremely interested in Korean language and culture.
NOT because OF Boys over flowers.
♥Thinks that there are some flaws in Singapore which we can improve on.
♥Not a girly girl that's for sure.
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