Reason: SHHH.... tell ya another day.
Music: Deja vu- SS501
WELCOME TO 2010 ppl. OMG IT'S THE LAST DAY OF HOLIDAY!!! HOW CAN!!!!! LALLALLALA!!!! Tell ya a secret. I realise that I can lucid dream. Wanna know wat lucid dreaming is? Go google it yourself. Your problem. HAHHAHAA! It's quite a rare case. I'm just special. Making ppl appear and disappear whenever i want in my dream. Saying wat i wanna say. Doing wat I wanna do. Even knowing wat skin contact feels like. Okay it sounds wrong. BUT! Don't think wrong lar. haha I'm just special. COOL LAR. ANYWAY, I HAVEN'T FINISH MY SUMMARY!!!! DIE!!!!! Later must chiong. Tomorrow start school again die!!!!! Aiyo, 1st post of 2010 say so many times die. I WILL SURVIVE, I WILL SURVIVE~~~~!!!! HAHAHHA Btw, Jan arh is I purposely type all the most one. My grammer actually not bad de. Just that i refuse to use it the proper way. HHEHEHEHHE!!!!
Randomness of the day: 3Eeeeeee HERE I COME!
Mood: Immersed in thoughts.
Reason:End of 2009
Music: In the winter of 1730
WHOOO!!!! Finally my 60th post and on the last day of 2009 somemore. Haha ppl is celebrate 100th post or 1000th post i celebrate 60th post. Anyway let's have a summary of the year.
MOST MAJOR EVENTDuring P.E. on April Fool's day cum SYF day, I fell and broke my left arm. Which I thought was just a sprain and called my mom which she thought i was joking cause it was April Fool's day. So seriously don't joke with your parents about this kind of things on April Fool's day. My mom called me while I was in sch and realised that it was real. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
MOST MINOR EVENTEveryday life was soso....
MOST SWEETEST EVENTMy dear friends, Afrah, Janelle and Jerilene bought a teddy bear for my birthday and tried to hide it by lying on it but still extremely obvious. Which was lame but no lame enough to be the lamest but sweet. HEHE.
MOST SADDED EVENTFirst performance this year was a failure though we did well. Was supposed to go perform aty Anchorvale CC but then aiyah. In the end main piece never perform then back-up piece we play during rehersal. Then in the end no one manage to enjoy our music except for us. But well....
MOST LAMEST EVENTI got caught in school formy skirt length. Which I did not fold much. Just fold to prevent it from dropping. But because of the height. Got caught cause skirt looked short on me.
MOST HAPPY EVENTThis year always went out with big groups of ppl for lunch and stuff. Mixture of boys and girls. Bills which goes up to BOOMZ. Haha but we had lots of fun.
MOST FREAKY EVENTOur conductor heard someone calling him in band last time and heard it again yesterday. Freaky. But no one called him. First time, woodwinds weren't there so we didn't know. Just heard of it. Yesterday happened again. Some heard, conductor heard. But i didn't hear. Some others also didn't hear. FREAKY!
MOST BOOMZ EVENTK-WAVE IS HERE. Lol. so lame. Well, I don't deny that I love the k-wave but at the same time I'm wondering when it will stop. Hehe. This year is also the year when i found out why there are such ppl known as FANS. Hahaha get wat i mean. But still my best idol is ME!!!! Ok lame. BUT BOOMZ! Ris Low creates such great words to add into the Singlish dictionary.
MOST SCARY EVENTHave you tried walking out of the forest trail at the evening?? When the sun sets, it's totally dark and you really will feel scared. As in while I was at the forest trail, when we went to see the 2000+ yr old tree, it was bright but turned dark on the way down. Although there was 7 plus me 8, you would really feel the suspense. And really will wonder when the trail would end. I remembered having a nightmare about being stuck in a forest, can't find a way out. And something was following me from behind. Sounds like a scene from a movie aye. But that's what dreams are for. Issit? Anyway good experience.
That should be around all for the year of 2009. I was happy to be in 2D. No regrets. Haha. Happy New Year's eve ppl. AND TAG!!!!! HAHAHHAHA.
Randomness of the day: 1 of my motto is LIVE LIFE WITHOUT REGRETS!
Mood: A little sadded.
Reason: Last few days of being a part of 2D'09 before becoming a 2D alumni.
Music: Last farewell- Big Bang(HAHAHA just nice the music fit the mood.)
Ok jokes aside. Never post for the past few days not only because i was busy, lazy blah blah blah. MOST importantly, My main com broke down. Causing me too lose almost EVERYTHING. Using my dad's laptop to blog now. Lucky for my music files, i have them all in my MP4, photo's.... some gone with the com. But most still in my phone so also lucky. But all those old project stuff and some vids that i downloaded all gone. OH WELL. That's life. Not to mention along with that dumb story. That I don't feel like continuing to write cause i'm lazy. Thanks for the thought anyway Afrah and Janelle. I shall just go on daydreaming the story in the head of mine. Let's see what I can recall...
22nd Dec
It was the p6 reporting to sec sch day. Had to go back to school to perform. But that day was super fun. The conductor, Mr Png got the one and only sec 1 boy i think to buy cans of those spry snow thing that will evaporate after spraying. We used that during our performance and seriously those things stinks like hell. At first it smells nice like ya know lemon scented air fresherner. But after that it smells like over dose of air fresher which stinks. hahaha. Anyway, that was the first time we wore our band uni up to stage for the performance. For sec 2s i mean. The performance turned out well even though we seemed to have smelled lemon air fresherner. Disgusting. HAHAHAA. Then back in the band room. Actually Jazin and Gerald told me to bring my the silky girl glitter thing for them to spray on their hair. Which i did bring. So to mask the air fresherner smell which was mostly on Gerald cause he tio the snow thing the most, Jazin brought his Adidas colongne and sprayed alot at Gerald, then they started spraying the glitter thing at Gerald. At first spray abit, very nice smell but then when overdose, TADA! GEARLD STINK!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
23rd and 24th Dec
Can't remember what i did. hehehe
25rd Dec
Went to the Bunglow cum Chalet thing a Pasir Ris Park that side for gathering. Saw alot of ppl which i haven't seen for a long time. Watch the super small tv in the super big house. Went cycling talk talk talk then go home.
26th Dec
Went to the Chalet thing again, helped out in the kitchen. See I so nice. HAHAHAHA, went cycling again, saw 11 Park Jungmins(horse) at the stable in Pasir Ris park. Even more ppl came then the day before. Saw many of the 4th generation ppl(my generation) which are small small ppl THAT I DID NOT KNOW! LOL. Cause I'm 4th in the 4th generation. So got alot of those minature cousins that are only 2 year plus old. Freaky when you are tall, it's like if you're not careful, you kick them then they fly away. Stayed over that night.
27th Dec
Went home from the chalet thing, slack at home awhile then go my paternal grandparents house. There was a new maid. Name: Yuli??? I dunno. Slack then go home.
28th Dec
Went out with pri sch mates to watch Sherlock Holmes. Nice movie. Haha. 4 boys and 7 girls. Big batch of ppl. 1 of the 4 boys is Huisi's younger bro. Haha he so big already. Last time see him still small small. Benedict looks totally different, thoughts are still the same though. Hehe. 11 ppl=11 tickets. 1 whole long line of tickets. Had to split though cause seats not enough. So split into 4 4 3. Last time we went to watch L change the world only 7 ppl. Front row no need to split. So this time break record. Then rush home with Tan Ying then go home eat, then come out for tuition with Tan Ying.
Did some homework. Or most of the leftover homework, watched finished Beethoven virus. Then nothing else.
Randomness of the day:Falling into dreamland. THE BEST!
Mood: LOL!
Reason: Read below for the LOL part.
Music: Man Man Ha Ni - U-kiss
Hi! Long time no see. Let's talk about the LOL first. It seems like Suju's Han Kyung wanna break contract. LOL! WHY? I also dunno why lar. He's one of my favs in Suju though. With his weird and funny korean. Still, sadded lar huhs.
Thurs, 17th Dec went out with Kimbo and Ah han! Had a really fun time together. Went to take neoprints then go Somerset @ 313 to hang out. THE HMV IS AWESOME! Ultra big lars. Not to mention that they have a huge T-MAX poster!!!! WHOO!!!! T-MAX!!! lol! Hehe. But still it was cool.
Fri, 18th Dec stay at home boh liao? Went out to Hougang mall at night and bought Beethoven Virus from the atrium fair. Endded up watching the first episode that night. Clarine's verdict: ***** 5 STARS!!! I don't mean any bad word for the *** but 1 * mean 1 STAR!
Sat, 19th Dec, out to Johor with my fam and my cousin's fam. To the City Square shopping mall. Nothing much lar. Like Singapore shopping mall liddat lor. But things there slightly cheaper. Bought 1 SS501 album like disc. They call it cover story??? I think. Then bought a pair of Kappa black sneakers. Cheap lars. In Sing one Kappa pair around $70??? I bought it at only 80RM so quite cheap lors. And 3 mags. Haha shall make it a habit. Next time go overseas always buy 3 mags.
Sun, 20th Dec, WATCH BEETHOVEN VIRUS. Then go grandma house wat dinner.
Today, nothing much lor. Hahaha. HAN KYUNG ARH! DON'T LEAVE SUJU LARS!!!!
Randomness of the day: Han Kyung why you wanna leave Suju? You and Hee Chul so damn funny together lars!
Mood: WHEE
Music: just drag - Jang Keun Suk
Haha went to janelle's house with Afrah to play today. Played twister, raided Jan's wardrobe, ordered pizza and watched you're are beautiful. Haha so damn fun!!! Hehe the pics will be up soon on facebook i think. Hehe. I think my blog's getting a bit too quiet. Ppl just spam lars. Haha Give me the motivation to continue blogging lar huhs. Hehehe.
Randomness of the day: just drag it......................... longer................................................................
Reason: Don't feel like doing homework, there's nothing on the net..... blah blah blah
Music:Not listening to anything currently.
OH SO BORED. Bored until i'n going to post something else other then the earlier post. SOMEBODY! GIVE ME SOMETHING TA DO. Okay, maybe school isn't that bad. At least time flies faster then yar the hols. Hmm shall i give a summary of this year's event? Maybe I should.
At the beginning of the year, there was a very iritating geog teacher but was soon changed to the very nice and amazing Mrs Lu. Hmm then on 1st April, Happy April fool's day, there was SYF which I thankfully was not in it cause on that lame day, I went running for 2.4 suring p.e., fell, and then broke my left arm.... That was most major event of the year. Then nothing much happened. School school and more school. Lessons, lessons and more lessons. Then the BOF wave, followed by k-pop wave known as hallyu wave, which is still going on strong now. Then more school. Then addicted to the com. OH GOD! WHO WAS THE ONE WHO INVENTED YOUTUBE AND STUFF??? Then school end, make me think that this year end so fast. Then went to Taiwan. Came back 2 weeks? ago. Then now sitting in front of the com typing this post. Christmas is coming. Thinking about wat is more important, a new handphone?(I'm eyeing on the N97 mini cherry black) or a nintendo DS?? Maybe the handphone should come first. In fact, I seriously need a pencil holder. Hey ppl you can get me one for christmas. Best got SS501 or T-max on it! Ok lame. Well. Yar, just started A-maths tuition last week. The teacher is crap. Go ask TanYing how crappish he is.
Lame year for lame girl going to be over soon. Somehow, I want chinese new year to be here soon. Oh so lame. OK that's all.
Tags replies:
Jeri(super old tag): Yup but LSG is ok now. HEHE. OLD NEWS.
Afrah: extremely surprising who knew Jeri could say wah lau.
Enjo: Actually it's quite dead, make it even livelier please!!
Kimbo: That's not considered a spam my dear, learn from Janelle. Haha she learnt it from me.
Afrah: don't want post about you.You not nice post one. And yes korean idol boys are all super cute. In fact they are so cute and pretty I'm kinda worried that they are not producing enough cute and pretty girls. Plus, i always don't make sense.
Jan: Good job in spamming well done! Spam more.
Kimbo: Haha I? Need a boyfriend? Why don't you intro one to me? Haha
Jan: Yes my dear friend, but haven't be dreaming much these few days. Haha
Afrah: It's there already. Make sure you read all about it. I'm gonna test you someday on my trip to Taiwan.
Tan Ying: That teacher is not just haiz.... but extremely HAIZ!!!!!
Afrah: I am blogging... And YOU! Are late again this morning.
Afrah: And don't even think of claiming credit for intro-ing me to YAB. You didn't even give me credit for the mag.
Randomness of the day: I'm bored. Such a lame post.
Music Promise - A.N. JELL

Watch it from youtube though.
The links at mysoju are broken.

Randomness of the day: Seriously just go watch lar huhs.